Getting Ready for Round 2…Tue. Open, Closed, Canceled List

Just wanted to create a place on the web to share information about what is closed and still open due to weather.  We are still digging out from the 20+ inches of snow from the weekend and now more snow will be arriving on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Tuesday cancellations have already started. Here is what we know is open, closed or canceled for Tueseday, February 9, 2010.  Please add other open/closed/canceled announcements to the comments below – we will try to update the post during the day too.

The roads are still extremely dangerous – if you do not have to drive – please stay home.  Be extra careful if you are out walking in the streets and move far away from cars when they come down the road – the cars are sliding all over the place and drivers could easily slide in to you.  Share road condition info: A Google Group has been created to share information about Pittsburgh road conditions –

======Snow Emergency Contact Info======
From the City of Pittsburgh website – If it is an emergency or you are not sure if it is an emergency CALL 911.  For any other help the city 311 lines are now open 24 hours a day.  The National Guard is available to assist – if you need help – need to get to medical care, medications, heat issues or anything else – CALL 311.

Visit for updates and additional information.


TUE Open

  • East End Brewingjust in time to release our Chocolate Covered Cherry Stout for Valentines Day (week)

TUE Closed

TUE Canceled

Wednesday and Beyond


5 responses to “Getting Ready for Round 2…Tue. Open, Closed, Canceled List”

  1. IheartPGH Avatar

    check out some of these parking chairs – has started the #parkingchair

  2. Kate C Avatar
    Kate C

    Pretty much everything is already closed on Wednesday as well. Have you seen the story on KDKA about people saving parking spaces with chairs? As if it's something new.

  3. Kate C Avatar
    Kate C

    Pretty much everything is already closed on Wednesday as well. Have you seen the story on KDKA about people saving parking spaces with chairs? As if it’s something new.

    1. IheartPGH Avatar

      check out some of these parking chairs – has started the #parkingchair

  4. susan166 Avatar

    Phil Harris suffered a stroke while in port off-loading from the F/V Cornelia Marie. Video