Get to the quilt show!

Get to the quilt show!

Originally uploaded by IheartPGH (Click here to see more pictures…)

Well I hopped in my gas guzzling machine and headed out to the quilt show at CCAC boyce. The Pittsburgh quilt is absolutely worth the trip. I am standing here looking at an amazing work of Pittsburgh. This quilt is made up of 33,000 square – signed by over 100,000 people. The story of the quilt is fascinating. The quilt was literally lost for the past 19 years. Members of the Quilt Company East started looking for it and they finally found it in the archives of the science center. Thia wonderful quilt quild has spent over 300 hours cleaning and restoring the quilt, which is massive in size, so that it could be displayed this weekend. They even have the origional brochures from the exhibit in 1989.
The quilt show runs until 5 today and from 10 – 3 tomorrow. Admission is $ 5. In addition to the Pittsburgh quilt there are tons of other amazing quilts to see here.
I will post some additional pictures to flickr. Click on the photo above to see more.


One response to “Get to the quilt show!”

  1. Virginia Hendricks Avatar

    Thank you so much for blogging about this. It was great that you were able to come out today and spend some time with the guild. I'm working on uploading my photos and if you would like to use any, you are more than welcome.

    Thank you again for posting this! And it was great to meet you!