Free pass to Silk screen festival

Free pass to Silk screen festival

Originally uploaded by IheartPGH (Click here to see more pictures…)
I have been wanting to do some give aways here on I heart PGH. I have an 8 pass for the Silk Screen Film Festival. That is good for 8 films during the festival . If you are interested – leave a comment here or send me an email. I will select one person and get the pass to you by Monday.


4 responses to “Free pass to Silk screen festival”

  1. jenn Avatar

    would love the pass if you don't want it and no one else has written back! i was about to buy one today….

  2. SirScott Avatar

    Nice site. Heard you on DVE. Just a little constructive criticism. Proof read for spelling and grammar. Makes the site professional and you just might make some money off this thing. Good luck.

  3. topher Avatar

    Reasons I should get the eight-pass:
    (1) I will actually use all eight passes on the eight-pass.
    (2) I like Asians AND silk.
    (3) The plot line of Chop Shop (in which a boy from Queens dreams of saving money to buy a vending truck and sell hot meals out of it with his sister) is loosely based on this one time I bought a sandwich.

    Thank you for your consideration. Awesome site.

  4. Lindsay Avatar

    @SirScott – Thanks for visiting IheartPGH – my apologies for spelling – I sent this from my camera phone and sometimes the predicative text gets messed up. I just fixed up the post and added some links so it looks better now.