FREE Dental Clinic this Friday & Saturday – Open to all, No one will be turned away

Free Dental Clinic Pittsburgh

Have you been to the dentist this year? Have you been avoiding going to the dentist because you don’t have dental insurance? Do you know someone who has a tooth that has been bothering them?

Good news! There is a FREE, totally free, dental clinic this Friday & Saturday (July 28 & 29, 2017) in Pittsburgh at the AJ Palumbo Center.

Take it from me, you need to go to the dentist. I skipped those cleanings for a few years and ended up with a broken tooth, a lot of pain and a lot of expense. Not only can tooth pain be very painful, but it can impact your overall health. (Check out this fascinating article from Men’s Health about root canals and heart health).

Free Dental Clinic Details

Free Dental Clinic Pittsburgh

Date: Friday, July 28, 2017 & Saturday, July 29, 2017

Time: 7am to 4pm

Location: A.J. Palumbo Center, 1304 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15282 (Free shuttles buses are available, click here for map & shuttle schedule)

Facebook Event

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Dental Treatments Available:

  • diagnosis by a dentist
  • minor restorative fillings
  • extractions
  • cleanings

Patient info:

  • No eligibility or income requirements
  • No appointments or registration necessary – First come, first served
  • One procedure per patient per day
  • Open to children (Ages 2 to 17) and adults

Please visit the Missions of Mercy patient info webpage for a complete FAQ for patients.

Patient Info

Who is behind the free dental clinic?

The Free Dental Clinic in Pittsburgh is being organized by the following people:

  • Daniel Pituch, chief of oral and maxillofacial surgery at UPMC Shadyside and Mercy
  • Michael Zamagias, CEO of Teletracking Technologies Inc.
  • Richard M. Celko, dental director of UPMC Health Plan in 2016

You can read more about the free dental clinic in the Post-Gazette here. Some fascinating stats about the impact of lack of dental care from the article:

You wouldn’t expect someone needing dental care to land in the hospital emergency room. But that scenario has played out nearly 3,000 times at UPMC hospitals in the Pittsburgh area in the last year.