Four Things To Do This Week

Holiday Lunchtime Concerts
Monday through Friday, Noon
Fifth Avenue Place, Downtown

Enjoy live musical performances from some of Pittsburgh’s favorite artists as they bring the sounds of the season to life each day at Noon. Admission is free.
More info, including this week’s line-up: 412-456-7800

The Den

Monday, Dec 10 6p-7:30p

Why should kids and teens have all the fun in the Library? Join the First Floor on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month (beginning October 22nd) for video games, board games, easy drop-in art projects, book discussions and more! Admission is free.
More info:

Pittsburgh Moth StorySLAM: Aftermath

Tuesday, Dec 11 8p (register at 7p)
Rex Theatre, Southside

Indie storytelling at its finest… Each teller will have 5 minutes to tell his or her tale. After each story, the judges confer, and give a score. The teller with the highest score becomes our StorySLAM winner.

Rex Theater
Rex Theater (Photo credit: fimoculous)

More Info:

The Christmas Story: A Live Nativity Scene & Worship Experience

Saturday, Dec 15 11a-3p
Greater Pittsburgh Coliseum, Homewood

Live re-enactment of the birth of Jesus Christ. There will be live animals, singing of Christmas carols, more. Presented by the Baptist Temple Church.
More info: 412-608-9767

The Rink at PPG Place
Every Day
PPG Place, Downtown

During the winter season from mid-November through early March, the Plaza between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue transforms into The Rink at PPG Place, a spectacular one-of-a-kind outdoor ice skating rink.
More info: