Following the PA Senate Race


In just an hour, the three democratic candidates for PA Senate will participate in a live televised debate on WTAE. In just three weeks, the voters of Pennsylvania will go to the polls to decide which one of these three candidates will challenge Republican Pat Toomey in the general election.

You can follow the debate on Twitter with the #PASenDebate. I’ve created a Twitter list of the candidates for Pa Senate here.

As you know, this years Presidential election has been anything but typical. One of the things that has come up in many conversations over the past few months is what role does social media play in the elections. I am curious if social media can “predict” the elections, especially local elections.

Here are the social media accounts and stats for each of the 4 candidates who are currently in the race for Pennsylvania senate:

PA Senate Social Media Stats

First NameLast NameTwitterFollowersFacebook PageLikesInstagramIG FollowerIG Photos
JohnFetterman@JohnFetterman9,777FB Page33,235/johnfetterman3201135
KatieMcGinty@KatieMcGintyPA4,313FB Page11,097
JoeSestak@JoeSestak11,864FB Page17,121/joesestak19561
PatToomey@PatToomey10,666FB Page147,689ToomeyForSenate20441