- Image by Getty Images via Daylife
I have been at the August Wilson Center yesterday and today. Oxfam and USCAN (US Climate Action Network) have set up a media center set up here – they are doing press briefings hourly on different topics. They have done a great job of providing info and photos and wireless to bloggers – we are a block from the convention center.
Check out the coverage at http://g20voice.org/ and photos here – http://www.flickr.com/photos/g20voice/sets/72157622449588322/
Here are some resources for following G20 activity here in Pittsburgh online
Real time happenings around all things G20:
- Twitter Search – see what people are posting as it happens
- #G20 – http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23g20
- #reportG20 – this has tag is being used to report on what is happening around protests – http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23reportg20
- Collecta Search – collecta searches twitter, social media and blogs – provides a nice display to see real time photos
- Twitcaps – provides a great way to see photos posted on twitter – http://twitcaps.com/search?q=g20
Pittsburgh Bloggers who are writing about the G20
- Utterly Opinionated – multiple posts with lots of photos from Eve Picker who lives downtown 2 blocks from the convention center
- The Pittsburgh Comet – Bram has been here at the August Wilson Center and he also has press credentials to the G20 summit. Check out some video from the march here.
- Pittsburgh Is A City – Cara is also here at the August Wilson center. Check out her post about Survival Balls.
- Infinonymous -this anonymous blogger has a post about Thursday night in Oakland.
- Slag Heap – Pittsburgh City Paper‘s Chris Potter has been writing about the G20. Check out his coverage of City Council member Patrick Dowd.
- Frank Discussion – the folks who run Franktuary – have been open for business and have been posting photos from Downtown. Check out this photo of coast guard boats.
We have been posting photos from downtown Pittsburgh on Twitpic – http://twitpic.com/photos/iheartpgh
6 responses to “Following the G-20 Online”
http://indypgh.org/g20local pittsburgh indymedia office has a g20 page at the address listed above! it includes twitter tag aggregator, videos, photos, and streaming audio of their news and music feed.
thanks! great job of sharing info over the past few days.
local pittsburgh indymedia office has a g20 page at the address listed above! it includes twitter tag aggregator, videos, photos, and streaming audio of their news and music feed.
thanks! great job of sharing info over the past few days.
I've also been blogging about the G20, as a server inside the convention center. I served the finance secretaries lunch on Friday! Check it out- http://straightupjank.blogspot.com
I’ve also been blogging about the G20, as a server inside the convention center. I served the finance secretaries lunch on Friday! Check it out- http://straightupjank.blogspot.com