Flickr This

I Saw Three Guys With A Cooler Of Iron And Nerf Shotguns Approaching As I was Walking Away

Originally uploaded by Patrick58.

Yesterday – I started playing with Flickr – if you are new to Flickr – it is an online service, that is now owned by Yahoo that lets you store and share pictures online. I set up this little box here on the side bar to show all pictures that have the tag “IheartPGH” –
Yesterday – a search for I heart PGH revaeled jsut 5 little pictures of Pittsburgh. But now, less than 24 hours since I added the Flickr side bar – there are tons of pictures with the tag IheartPGH! and these are some amazing pictures – I ws trying to avoid the hype about Ben but the picture of the Steeler fan outside of Mercy hospital is just another reason to “heart” Pittsburgh.
So, if you have pictures, pictures of Pittsburgh – please add the tag IheartPGH.


2 responses to “Flickr This”

  1. Buy ed drugs….

    Ed drugs and bleeding….