Adventure Bingo: Villians @ Ace Hotel


Head over to the Ace Hotel gym for two hours of bingo, music, comedy, trivia, prizes and more. Alexi Morrissey is the bingo caller, master of ceremonies and host with the most.

No Cover. Free to play.

You can read more about last month’s Adventure Bingo in Sean Collier’s recap for Pittsburgh Magazine.

When I first attended Adventure Bingo in late 2014, I didn’t know what I was getting into. A dressed-up bingo game, I thought. Or a trivia contest with another layer or two. Both things that aren’t too tough to find in the world; there are twists on pub games all over the place.

Of course, that’s not what Adventure Bingo is. Adventure Bingo is a one-man show from its dynamic host, artist Alexi Morrissey, wherein all other elements — the bingo, the trivia, the prizes, the drinks — are secondary to his flights of fancy and rant-tangents (rantgents?).

Writers aren’t supposed to use the word “unique” too often, but this … this is unique. The magic of Adventure Bingo cannot be duplicated; performance art melded with competition melded with sweat, more than anything else.