Drinking For A Cause: Wine Tasting/Art Show This Thursday

The-Tasting-GraphicI always get a bit nervous when the subject turns to wine. I wouldn’t know a good wine if it crawled up my pant leg and bit me on the ass. Unless it did so in a gentle, loving way, and even then only maybe. I know I like dry red with my sauce, I love a good chianti. (No, not with fava beans. I hate fava beans.) Beyond that, I’m a bit at sea when it comes to wine.

Collage By Chuck Schneider But I’m hoping to learn a bit about it this Thursday while enjoying some great local art, as that’s when Jay Verno studios on the South Side will be hosting a combination wine-tasting/art show that also serves as a fund raiser for WYEP. It’s called “The Tasting” and it’s billed as “an event designed to support local artists and their work in the South Side Flats community of Pittsburgh, Pa.” Some of the artists whose work will be shown include collagist Chuck Schneider, photographer Kimberly Reed, sculptor Ian F. Thomas, and painter Scott M. Yoss. You’ll also get a free cd by local Pittsburgh band soulharmonic and can even take home your tasting glass. All that for only ten bucks.

A reminder: Thursday is the new Friday. So go.


One response to “Drinking For A Cause: Wine Tasting/Art Show This Thursday”

  1. arthur mcbeth Avatar

    The hen party sounds fun � much more exciting than the typical American bachelorette party that consists of drinking, debauchery, and strippers.