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Sorry for the last minute post on this event – but I wanted to highlight this for two reasons – 1. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) is an important organization that needs more volunteers and 2. The Barbers Inn, which I have passed many times – looks like a super cool place – a fancy barber shop complete with couches, tv’s and even a bar. So check out this FREE event – learn more about CASA and the Barber’s Inn! More info here and on Facebook.
Hosted by the Court appointed Special Advocate program of Allegheny County, along with the Barber’s Inn — Shadyside, Cuts for CASA is a free networking event to spread community awareness about CASA’s volunteer program and the need for male involvement. CASA’s need for male participation is dire. Out of 175 volunteers who are trained advocates, only 9% are male. Since nearly half of the children CASA serves are young men, a male volunteer can serve as a vital role model for this vulnerable population.
Are you interested in attending? Cuts for CASA will be held on Tuesday, September 15, 2009, from 6-8pm at the Barber’s Inn, a male grooming lounge, located at 5744 Baum Blvd., Pittsburgh PA, 15206. Discounted hair cuts and shaves, free food and beverages, door prizes and giveaways will be provided to attendees. This event is FREE but you must R.S.V.P. Contact Daren Ellerbee at 412-594-3606 or click here to reserve your spot today!

added via Posterous IheartPGH