CCAC Community Education

CCAC – the Community College of Allegheny County – has some really cool non-credit courses coming up in the spring. I just looked at their web site for Community Education (click on the PDF schedule of classes) and I found neat options like:

Wine Appreciation With Henry Block
Learn about and savor the wonderful French reds and whites of the Burgundy region with wine enthusiast Henry Block. You will gain an appreciation for the subtleties and complexities of fine European wines and develop an understanding of their relationship to New World wines. Cost includes wine tasting samples. Prerequisite: Introductory wine appreciation course or equivalent. ($145)

Asian Wraps
Learn how to make and serve delicious steamed, braised, fresh and deep-fried Asian wraps that will be perfect for first courses or party finger food. We will make and enjoy the following wraps: Peking-style duck pancake, moo shu pork, spring rolls, egg rolls, bok choy rolls, herb and chicken spring rolls, tropical fruit rolls, vegetarian spring rolls, and braised beef roll. ($69)

Basic Repairs for the Helpless Homeowner
Forced to spend hard-earned dollars on professional services or to live with inconvenient, unpleasant, or even dangerous situations in your home because you lack the skills, knowledge, and most importantly, the confidence to tackle even the most basic home repair? This course will equip the homeowner with everything you need in order to complete repair jobs easily, inexpensively, and safely. Fix a lamp, unclog a sink, replace a light switch-tasks that you will accomplish. The course includes hands-on exercises and do-it-yourself homework assignments. ($89)

There are even classes on “Controlling Paper Clutter at Home” ($39), “Beginning Freshwater Fishing” ($99), “Accounting for Small Businesses” ($149), and of course …. Basketweaving ($49).

Classes are usually offered in the evening at CCACs various locations or at local neighborhood centers from Homewood to Bethel Park. You can register and pay for courses online. Check out the web site and register today.

I think some of these sessions would make cool Christmas gifts. What’s better than the gift of learning? : )


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