Thanks to the IheartPGH Twitter followers for the heads up on this Indiegogo campaign. It has been awhile since we’ve posted about a crowdfunding project in Pittsburgh (which isn’t 100% true – thanks to the readers of IheartPGH who helped to crowdfund my seat on the Millennial Trains Project).
Sometimes – you just need to go to the movies and sadly there aren’t that many movie theaters left in the city if Pittsburgh. I believe the Manor theater in Sq. Hill is the only theater left in the city limits.
Thankfully, some Pittsburghers are looking to bring a movie theater to Lawrenceville. The folks behind Row House Cinema have put together a lovely video to tell you about this project. And they have put together some incredible thank you gifts – while the engraved seats have already sold out – you can still pick up some movie passes or even free movies for a year.
Row House Cinema Indiegogo Campaign from Brian Mendelssohn on Vimeo.
Row House Cinema Indiegogo Campaign
I’m hopeful that I can talk these guys into showing more Pittsburgh related movies – it would be great to be able to see The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh or Flashdance on the big screen.
Related articles
- Guide to Pittsburgh’s Independent Movie Theaters (
- Art House or Drive Ins: Unique Pittsburgh Movie Theaters (