Category Archives: Outdoors

Regent Square Yard Sale

The annual spring Regent Square Yard Sale will occur on Saturday, May 20th from 8AM to 1PM. The entire ‘Square gets involved and this is a great chance to walk around the neighborhood and see what people are offering that might find a great home with you! In addition the Wilkins School on Charleston Street will be having a used book and herb sale. Bags of books will be sold for $3.00. Refreshments will also be available and a fun time strolling around the area is assured! A map of participating houses and their “top 3 items” will be available at the Regent Square Theater.

ed. note: I am a member of the Regent Square Civic Association; if you stop by East End Avenue be sure to say hi!

The RSCA website and additional details can be found here.

Pedal Pittsburgh

The last 3 years I have done the bicycle tour called Pedal Pittsburgh. It’s a huge event with thousands of bicyclists of every level particpating. First off, it’s not a race so don’t feel you need to be an avid cyclist to do this event. There is everything from a 15 mile ride to a 60 mile ride with rest areas and free food and drinks provided along the route(s). You’ll also get a Pedal Pittsburgh t-shirt along with some goodies. Last year I did the 25 mile ride that took me through the South Side, North Side, through Oakland and back to the South Side. It’s an incredibly scenic tour and I’ve seen parts of the city I would not normally have experienced in every day life. And let me tell you that Troy Hill seriously kicked my butt on the 25 mile tour!

After the ride you’ll be provided a very nice lunch and entertainment. If you know how to ride a bike you’ve got no excuse, so sign up today! The event is on Sunday, May 21st. You’ll also be benefiting The Community Design Center of Pittsburgh, which is a non-profit organization helping to improve the quality of life in Pittsburgh.

(Ed. note: This year Pedal Pittsburgh is Sunday, May 21. Click on the link above to register!)

Pittsburgh Hash House Harriers

The Pittsburgh Hash House Harriers.

Even after reading the web site thoroughly, I have no idea what these people do. Something about running and drinking and catching hares. But their web site is rockin’ and they have 80 members! They have funny lyrics to dirty songs. (Sample lyrics: Are yinz from Pittsburgh? / I said from Pittsburgh / Where the emphysema rate is so high / Where streets are narrow / Like Mia Farrow / And flocks of pigeons sh*t in your eye.) In order to be a member, you must lay a trail and provide beer and snacks. What else? The trails are usually 3-4 miles long. They have a hotline! From the photos, there is nudity involved. And apparently at least 30 people are going to do all of this and more this Wednesday, March 15th. Arrr, matey. Beware the Ides of March!

I actually feel kind of drunk after writing this post. Hey! I like this logo!


More on … Canton Ave. in Beechview

Thanks to a reader for pointing us to this PG article about Canton Ave. in Beechview. Turns out we might have a world record in our midst!


Here: In Beechview
Sunday, January 30, 2005

Photos by Martha Rial ~ Story by Bob Batz Jr.

Despite the twin “Do Not Enter” signs at its midpoint, Canton Avenue isn’t a one-way street.

It’s a no-way street.

No way you’re going to drive up it. Not this time of year, when it’s covered with ice and snow.

This Beechview byway is way too steep — even to plow.

It’s the steepest street in this hilly town and, probably, the region, with a grade of 37 percent — that is, rising 37 feet per 100 feet of run. So confirm records from the city Department of Engineering and Construction.

Canton could be the steepest street anywhere. Figures can be fuzzy, but the best San Francisco can do are grades of 31.5 percent. The world’s steepest claim is made by Baldwin Street in Dunedin, New Zealand, but its steepest part, according to the town’s own Web site, is only 35 percent. Could Pittsburgh have a world record hidden in the trees high above Banksville Road?
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Pittsburgh Hills


You know, they say Pittsburgh is the San Francisco of the East. (Or maybe that’s just me.) I randomly came across the web site of the Western PA Wheelman (bicycle club) who brings us this handy-dandy list of the steepest grades in the city … and out. I’m glad to see South Pittsburgh REPRESENT.

From Pgh Post-Gazette, Oct 5, 1984:

Street / Neighborhood / Grade

1. Canton Beechview 37%
2. Flowers Hazelwood 28%
3. East Woodford Carrick 27.6%
4. Cutler Northside 26%
5. Rialto (Pig Hill) Troy Hill 24%
6. Tesla Hazelwood 24%
7. Newitt Carrick 23%
8. N. Winebiddle Garfield 23%
9. Hampshire Beechview 23%
10. Potomac Banksville 22%

Outside of the city:

1 Logan Millvale 25%
2. Winsdor Forest Hills 25%
3. Decatur Forest Hills 24%
4. Seavy-High Etna 22%
5. Marion Forest Hills 19%

(Thanks to knobil for the photo of Polish Hill.)