Category: South

  • Pittstarter: Play Games with LFG

    Pittstarter: Play Games with LFG

    Last week, I took a trip out to Brookline to sit down and get defeated at a variety of games at Looking for Group (LFG). The name and its abbreviation is a well known phrase in gaming communities- the online call of “does anyone want to play with me?”

    Looking For Group's storefront
    Looking For Group’s storefront on Brookline Boulevard


    LFG hopes that you want to do more than just play. LFG is positioning itself as an unusual hybrid: it’s a co-working space combined with a pay-to-play gaming space. John Lange, one of the founders, doesn’t think that combination is odd at all. It grows out of his own interests: he’s an IT professional and a passionate gamer. John talks about that passion and how it develops his friendships in a talk he gave earlier this year.

    “I think a lot of people don’t have the same community that I’ve built with my friends and family and I want to share that with everyone,” John says. That community focus shows even now, as the space is still finishing construction. They’ve already hosted a game jam, and while they’re doing work, they’ve invited the neighborhood to pop in and play some games and chat. While I was there for a few hours on a Tuesday afternoon, several neighborhood kids popped in for a few rounds of games. By combining work and play in the same space, LFG hopes that a playful, open and inviting community forms.

    John explains:

    I think gaming startups and even established gaming companies would be interested in our coworking space because it feels really awesome, when you’re getting burnt out on working, to come see everyone in the gaming side smiling and laughing together and have that instant reminder of why you’re working and sweating and bleeding to build a game.

    The storefront portion of the space is the gaming floor. The first thing you’ll notice is the large television facing the street as a lure for the passerby. PCs line the walls, with ergonomic chairs that steal their design cues from race cars. Console “pods” take up the center of the floor- dedicated televisions and gaming machines for each player. The storefront is open to the public in the late afternoons and evenings.

    John and Edd take a break from installing floors to school me at several games
    John and Edd take a break from installing floors to school me at several games

    Behind the gaming space, separated by thick doors and sound-insulating walls, is the co-working office. John guarantees that between keeping gaming to the later portions of the day, plus the insulation, it’s a perfect space for heads-down concentration. There’s a small kitchenette and a modern conference room, which covers all of the vital amenities- with one more.

    While the gaming storefront isn’t open to the public during core business hours, the members of the co-working space have unrestricted access to the building- including the games- 24 hours a day. I can’t imagine a better way of resolving conflicts in your team than settling your differences over a competitive round of a game like Speedrunners or Gang Beasts (two of the games John and his fellow founders were happy to beat me at while showing me the space).

    But you don’t have to be a member of the co-working team to start making games. Their gaming PCs provide all of the software that you’d need to make your own games, and they’re planning a series of technical events to teach the public how to do everything from write code to a “Build Your Own Console” event, where participants take a Raspberry Pi computer and turn it into a gaming console.

    I asked John what his vision of success was for Looking For Group, and he explained:

    I think a lot of people who are my age miss playing games together and a lot of the younger kids out never had the chance to really play games with their friends next to them. It’s too hard to bring your computer over to play Minecraft next to your best friend. It really doesn’t matter how good or bad the game is when your friends are next to you, playing with you.

    LFG has already secured their core equipment, and has enough funding to guarantee their operations for the near future. They’ve launched a Kickstarter, not to launch the space, but to secure even more equipment and make the space better. They’ve already cleared their modest goal of $2,000, and are shooting for stretch goals. You can check the space out yourself by visiting them at 924 Brookline Blvd, 15226. They’ve been doing a soft launch through September, and the gaming space goes officially live this Saturday, the 25th.

  • PITA PIT…fresh and frugal

    Pita Pit in the South Side Works has been open for a month or so now and is one of the best new additions to Pgh. I have been wishing one would open here for quite some time. The food is fresh, pretty healthy, and cheap. The only problem with the Pita Pit is that there isn’t one closer to my office. If you are interested in franchising, visit

  • Autumn’s Harvest is this Saturday Night at Planet Art in Mt. Lebanon

    Marlene's PotCeres's Basket

    Come on by Saturday Night from 6-9 pm for the opening reception of “Autumn’s Harvest, Coiled Gourds and Baskets by Ceres Rangos and Pinched Clay Pots by Marlene Boyle”. We’ll have desserts, wine, hot apple cider, and lots of fun!

    Sunday we have a big poetry reading at 2:30 for those of you that aren’t interested in Steeler’s Football. Be warned, I read the poems and some of them will make you cry.

    Planet Art Gallery, 632 Washington Rd. 412-343-3808

  • Aldo Coffee Company – A Coffee Shop with a blog

    I first came across Aldo Coffee Company last year when I started, I didn’t link to Aldo because technically they are not in the city of Pittsburgh. Yes, work has called me outside of the city limits and I was in need of an urban haven. Aldo Coffee Company meets, actually exceeds, all of my requirements for a good coffee shop so it is worth mentioning. I darted into Aldo Coffee Company last week in search of the elusive free wireless connection, the barista’s weren’t sure if the telerama wireless had been converted in to free wireless. I opened up my computer and BAM – I am online. The owner came around and we started talking about blogs.

    There are so many reasons that Aldo Coffee Shop is worth a visit, I need to make a list.

    1. Darn Nice People – I talked to the owner, I talked to the barista’s everyone here is super nice and helpful. A big thank you for the wonderful latte – which has a heart on top of the foam, which leads us to reason number 2…
    2. Latte Art – Art and Coffee shops go together
    3. Steelers Latte Art, oh yes, you read that correctly, Steelers Latte Art –
    4. Excellent Food Selection – as someone who spends many a meal time at coffee shops, I am always thrilled to find a place that has fresh food, salads, resonable portion sizes (yes you can order 1/2 sandwich!), and reasonable prices.
    5. Smoothies with REAL Fruit – This is a big one for me. I strive for 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. This has become even more difficult with the recent spinach ban. Many establishments have smoothies, few actually use fruit.
    6. Cannoli Bar – I am not even sure I like cannoli, but I really think I would like cannoli, and they have all sorts of custom made cannoli here.
    7. Support Local Businesses – They do, I had a great chat with the owner who was on his way to Squirell Hill for a coffee shop field trip.
    8. Free Wireless – Thank goodness, this is near impossible to find free wireless outside of the east end.
    9. The Aldo Coffee Co Blog – Web2.0 meets coffee shop – Even has been mentioned in the blog!
    10. Belly Dancing – Tomorrow (Friday) Night they have live Belly Dancing
    11. Take the T – Aldo is located right near the T-stop. Yeah for public transportation! A great destination for your next public transportation field trip!

    So if you are a suburban resident, take a break from Starbucks and visit Aldo, I have yet to find a Starbucks that offers Belly Dancing. If you are a die hard urbanite and find your self stranded in Mt. Lebanon, you can find an urban haven at Aldo.

  • Jerry’s Railroad Photo Archive – Pgh style

    You want old photos of trolleys?

    Oh man, do we got old photos of trolleys.

    Check’em aht:

    1520 (St. Louis 1944) [71 NEGLEY HIGHLAND PK]
    at 6th. & Liberty in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (April, 1966)

    1444 (St. Louis 1942) [77/54 NO. SIDE CARRICK VIA BLOOMFIELD]
    at 32nd. & Liberty in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania. (August, 1964)

    1555 (St. Louis 1945) [76 HAMILTON]
    at Coal and Ramsey in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania. (August, 1964)

    1621 (St. Louis 1945) [39 BROOKLINE]
    on the Smithfield St. Bridge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (August, 1964)

    1662 (St. Louis 1945) [42/38 MT LEBANON BEECHVIEW]
    at P&LE station in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (February, 1967)