Category Archives: Bars

Drinking Green at Bossa Nova

Green Drinks is a national an international, monthly gathering of people who are interested in all things green (green as in environmentally green, not the color green, but I am sure there are gatherings for that too.)

Pittsburgh has a very active Green Drinks group that meets the 3rd Friday of every month.

The host for June is Braddock’s Mayor John Fetterman

John Fetterman will share with us his new launch in converting the Mon Valley’s steelmaking heart into the Greenest Place in the Pittsburgh area by converting the Enterprise Zone into a Green Enterprise Zone. In addition to his unique economic development approach, his sustainable methods include reuse of existing structures as major agents of economic conversion for his community. To read more about his work go to or see this latest story in Pop City at

WHEN: 5:00 – 9:00, Friday, June 15th
RULE: Third Friday of every month
WHERE: at our NEW VENUE — Bossa Nova, 123 Seventh Ave Downtown
HOW: Walk, cycle, bus, boat, taxi or drive WHO: Anyone working on environmental issues or who wants to!
WHY: Fun, contacts, alcohol, info, gossip, inspiration, business and pleasure
NEW: Just go up to someone and say “are you green?”, and you’ll be made welcome.
REMIND: To get on this email circulation list, send an email to
STATUS: Informal, self-organizing network.

Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

(Things to do while being absolutely mesmerized …)

Friday, May 11
Comedy May-Ham, 8:00 p.m., Rex Theater, Sahsside
The Macyapper takes time out from his quest to “out” PittGirl to drop some funny on you. Other comedians include Dr. Awkward, Gab Bonesso and the provebial “more”. Rocco Supreme hosts, tickets are 7 bucks.

Gary Hoey, 8:00 p.m., Moondogs, Blawnox
Surf-rock influenced Gary Hoey plays perros de la luna tonight. He does a great cover of Focus’ “Hocus Pocus”, although his version doesn’t have the yodeling. Feel free to make your own “yodeling in the Allegheny River Valley” joke here.

Saturday, May 12
Beauty Pageant Bar Crawl , 7:00 p.m., Smokin’ Joes, Sahsside
rip_taylor_pageantThe good people (Read: Drinkers, partiers, and general good-timers) over at Meetin Pittsburgh are throwing another bar crawl, this one beauty-pageant-themed. So ladies, you show up in a gown and bar hop, although actual hopping might be an issue in heels and taffeta, if I spelled taffeta correctly. Guys have the option of showing up as a “Host” which would work out awesome if you had a baby blue tuxedo with the big-ass 70s ruffled shirt.

Drinking in the bar crawl fashion is usually fun to being with, and coulping it with a sort of Cacophony Society hook like this should double your fun.

Shawn Mullins , 10:30 p.m., Club Cafe, Sahsside
Plus, you’d look really good for the Mullins show in a ball gown and sash that reads “Miss Taken”.

Never Souled Out: All Night Dance Party, 8:00 p.m., The Church, The OCC
Juddy and the Soulcialism crew are all involved in this shindig that brings DJs from the UK into Braddock to spin in a former church. I was there for Flux a couple weeks back, and it’s a good space that should suit this thing quite well. Tickets are 8 bucks in advance, 10 at the door, and it’s BYOB. It’s probably also BYOS(weat), but that’s part of the charm, I think. Cut yourself a slice of Northern Soul rug.

Sunday, May 13
Hang out with your mom if you can, call her if you can’t, remember her if she’s gone. Get her some flowers or something, she’ll like that.

My mom’s real subtle with the gift hints, calling me up the other day and saying “Boy, don’t forget, Mothers Day is at your cousins house, be there by noon. And by the way, I could really use a spa treatment.”
Because Knowing Where To Go (and drink) Is Half The Battle
(Further Suggested Reading)
knowing_halfPittsburgh City Paper
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Craigs List
This Is Happening�����–

Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock* of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

(* Note: “Flock� being, y’know.. very loosely-defined…)

I ? PGH: Where do yinz drink ahtside?

DSC00765As Pitt Girl points out, the weather for the next few days is looking particularly good, almost San Diegan, so inquiring minds want to know: what’s your favorite bar in Pittsburgh for drinking al fresco? I’m personally slanted to Harris Grill, but I also like Doc’s for the deck, Palomino for the downtown-ness, and The Grandview Saloon for the view (even though it’s now The Coalhill Steakhouse or whatever). I want to know your favorite(s), so either send the electronic mail to or leave a comment below.

Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

(Things to do while fleeing for your life from a good source of lycopene …)

Friday, April 27
Wine Tasting at The Warhol, 5:30 p.m., The Warhol, North Shore Side
warhol_wine_bottle Have some grape in the company of screen prints at the Warhol. Big Burrito provides four different wines and accompanying cheeses, The Warhol provides the atmosphere. If you see anyone dressed up as Valerie Solanas, keep your eye on them. If you dress up as Valerie Solanas, have someone keep an eye on you.

Phat Man Dee, 6:00 & 9:00 p.m., Backstage Bar at Theater Square, Le District de Cultural, Dahntahn
phatmandee Running two shows a night like she’s workin’ the Vegas circuit, Dee drops by the Backstage Bar for a couple shows, and she’s at the point now where it’s like “Yeah, sure, I can stop by on my way somewhere else, sing a song or two” like she’s running the joint, then maybe stopping off at Jilly’s for a whiskey. Dee’s got a growing repertoire and she’ll show it off tonight, so stop by before the show, after the show, during the show, for the show.

Jalsah, 8:30 p.m., The Zenith, Sahsside
clash According to the site, Jalsah is “a community event designed to promote awareness about middle-eastern music, culture, and dance. It is a place for both teachers, students, and non-initiates to network and learn more about traditional forms of music and dance.”

So, I think that means you can head on down there and jam out. I’m frantically calling around to see if I can rent a tuba. I’ve never played a tuba in my life, but I think they need one to add some bottom to it, some presence. The folks at Zenith trying to eat their delicious vegetarian meals would appreciate it, is what I’m thinking. Oom-pah.

Attack Theater “Games Of Steel”, 8:00 p.m., Kelly Strayhorn Theater, ‘Sliberty
GamesOfSteel Attack Theater brings the show back to town after performing on a country wide tour, and these are the last performances in the Pittsburgh area. Aiming to make dance more accessible, AT presents a show filled with ladders to nowhere, seesaws, and a live band. Dance Magazine calls the show “ever-entertaining and hellishly fun” which is coincidentally exactly what my ex-wife called our marriage in the divorce papers, but unlike Dance Magazine, she went on to say, “but I’m just tired of the marathon bongo-playing sessions/beer tastings/cohiba smoking on weeknights when I have to go to work the next morning. And besides, he leaves his friggin’ socks everywhere. I swear, I found one in the fridge.*”

(* Aht v. Aht , 149 F.2d, 103-104 (1st C.Pl. 2004))

Saturday, April 28
Charity Bar Crawl, 4:00 p.m., Shootz, Sahsside
Drinking For A Cause kicks off with an early one, but the charity involved is worthy so we’ll quiten down and bend with the breeze. Benefiting the Leukemia & Lymphoma society, the cost is 10 bucks and will tours all the way down Carson, starting at Shootz with the registration (not to worry if you can’t make it at 4 as they’re not moving on until 5:30, a much more palatable drinking hour) but other bars could be Jekyll’s, Tiki, and personal favorite Bar 11. Speaking of which, the scars have actually just about healed so I’m ready to go back to 11. Cause I go to 11. No, I’m not just gonna make 10 louder. Eff you.

Art All Night, 5:00 p.m., The Catalyst Building, Lawrenceville
Sleep All Day!No, Slaughter won’t be there, but The Spuds will, and that means something if you are, like me, of A Certain Age.

The annual mini-fest kicks off at 5 with events that are, y’know, for kids. Around 8, the music starts with The Spuds, followed by acts every hour or so the rest of the night (including Joy Ike who I saw performing at Flux a couple weeks back) until midnight when DJ Zombo spins until the wee hours.

The cool thing about the whole, well, thing is that anyone who wants to put a piece in can. Check the details on submissions here. This is an annual Good Gig, and last year they had over 10,000 people stroll through, so go early or go late, but you should go.

Sunday, April 29
Art All Night, 10:00 a.m., The Catalyst Building, Lawrenceville
And if you can’t make it Saturday night, well, it goes on into the next morning. So stop by after brunch and see it all until 2 on Sunday, with more music starting at 10 o’clock in the blessed a.m.
Because Knowing Where To Go (and drink) Is Half The Battle
(Further Suggested Reading)
knowing_halfPittsburgh City Paper
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Craigs List
This Is Happening�����–

Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock* of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

(* Note: “Flock� being, y’know.. very loosely-defined…)