Category: Weekly Events

  • Congratulations to PopCity Media

    PopCity Media has published 100 issues of their weekly newsletter.  That is 100 issues of interesting stories, links to great articles and awesome pictures of Pittsburgh.  If you haven’t visited their site yet – what are you waiting for – check out

    I really like that they highlight different neighborhoods around Pittsburgh and each week the provide a nice summary of articles about Pittsburgh in the sidebar.

  • Spelling Bee Mondays & Boxed Wine Specials

    Last week I mentioned the local Scrabble clubs. I am happy to help Pittsburgh find fun ways to work on increasing our vocabulary. So I was very happy to get an email from the folks at the Lava Lounge about Spelling Bee Mondays.

    Not only will there be a spelling bee, but you get these exciting specials…

    • $1.00 Meatball Sandwiches – Veggie/Meat (5PM-12AM)
    • 1.50 Glasses of Boxed Wine
    • $1.25 16oz. Pabst Drafts