I am excited to write about this festival because The Dragon Boat Festival was one of the first events I posted when we started IheartPGH.com.
The festival is back for another fun filled day of chinese culture…
The Pittsburgh Dragon Boat Festival features traditional Asian music, dance, and food, plus arts and crafts for the children. Asian art, clothing, jewelry, fans, and much more is available along the Dragon Stroll. Learn how to use chop sticks, experience time-honored martial arts, demonstrations of Chinese yo-yo, tai chi, and much more.
Visitors are also welcome to try their hand at Dragon Boating. Each ornately-carved boat is 44 feet long and features brightly-painted dragon heads and tails that loom ominously at the fore and aft of each craft. A Dragon Boat seats 20 paddlers, a steersperson and a drummer to sound the beat. This is a truly unique experience and one that you may never again encounter.
Teams will compete all day and there will be food and activities to learn about Chinese and Pan-Asian cultures in Pittsburgh.
Can’t Make the Festival: Check out Three Rivers Rowing Asociation for Dragon Boat outings (and other opportunities to get on the water)
Three Rivers Rowing Assocaiton – http://www.threeriversrowing.org