Category Archives: Music

Brad Yoder and Free Popcorn

There is alot to be excited about in this new year. For starters Franktuary (the fantastic hot dog shop formerly known as Hot Dogma) now has a popcorn machine!!!

Even better, Brad Yoder, will be at Franktuary for his monthly musical engagement this Friday.

Drop a tip in Brad’s jar and receive FREE popcorn from the brand new popcorn maker!

Brad Yoder @ Franktuary
Friday, January 12, 12:30-2:30

Artists Helping Artists

It is wonderful to think that artists, who are sometimes referred to as “starving”, are willing to come together to help an artist in need. Artists Helping Artists: Jacob Drake is hopefully the first in a series of benefit events in which local crafters and artisans are doing just that–coming together to help another artist.

Jacob Drake ( is an animator from Eastlake, Ohio who created “Old School Revolution,” an animation that received over 100,000 views on Jacob was born with muscular dystrophy and relies on his computer not only for his art but also for other aspects of his life. Jacob’s computer was recently damaged and is unable to be repaired. This benefit is to raise funds to assist Jacob in replacing his computer so he can get back to his art.

WHAT: Artists Helping Artists: Jacob Drake, a benefit art sale featuring local artists and crafters, music by DJ Dave Bernabo, food and drink specials, and more!
WHERE: Brillobox (upstairs), 4104 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15224
WHEN: Tuesday, February 13 – 7 pm to 11 pm
COST: $3 suggested donation

E-mail for more info.
Visit to preview one of the evening’s featured crafters!

Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

(Things to do while packing the truck for North Carolina…)

Friday, December 29
First Friday Art Walk, 6:00 p.m., Ellsworth Avenue, Shadyside
Expose-Yourself-to-Art The Ellsworth crawl features Gallerie Chiz and their opening of “A Trip … Gilt without Guilt,” a big group show with dozens of artists working in various media. There’s also the Bella Arte gallery up there, a bunch of bars and restaurants, and the cupcake shop that gave my friend and I free cupcakes at 12:30 a.m. last Friday night as we were just walking by on the way to the car. (“CoCo’s” I think. I don’t recall for sure, because I had been drinking. Surprise.) They were delicious, a chocolate and an egg nog flavored ‘cake, and that’s as far as I’ll go into the whole “Cupcake Class” thing. That’s for them what are smarter than me to discuss.

Game Night and the Seven Minute Dance Series, 9:00 p.m., Attack Theater Studios, Garfield
Every so often throughout the night, you’ll get a seven minute dance performance by Attack Theater, so it’s like, awesome, for those of us with horrendously short attention spans. And Games? Yeah, games, like four-square, tic-tac-toe, backgammon and Atari.

Atari? I will own you at Combat, especially the bouncing bullet tank game. Know this. Word.

Saturday, January 6
Learn To Row, 11:30 a.m., TRRA Training Center, Millvale
deliveranceOk, the holidays are over, and yeah, you drank and ate as much as I did. Don’t lie… You look in the mirror and you’re like “who brought Marlon Brando back from the dead and let him into my house?” So take the free class from the Three Rivers Rowing Association and learn one of the absolute best aerobic exercises around. The only pre-requisite needed is that you be “Willing to learn and have a good time”, which is, oddly enough, exactly the pre-requisite a 32-year-old woman had for me when I dated her at the age of 21. Sure she was a cradle-robber, but a lot of fun, especially when she made me repeat things until I got them right. There’s something to be said for that method of education, because I’ve never used the wrong fork at dinner since. I mean, my fork game is ridiculous.

The Chief, 8:00 p.m., O’Reilly Theater, Cultural District, Dahntahn
This is a one-man play focusing on the story of the legendary Art Rooney, Sr. portrayed by local actor Tom Adkins. It’s co-written by Rob Zellers and Gene Collier, the latter being possibly the best local writer we have, and certainly the most entertaining every time he pecks out a column for the PG. The Chief may be making its last run, so this would be a good choice for your Saturday night.

Kill Hannah, 7:00 p.m., Mr. Smalls, Millvale
Kill Hannah does have one of the best-titled songs of last year, the alt-radio hit “Lips Like Morphine” which satellite radio has been playing the hell out of and rightfully so, it’s a great single. The openers, Pink Spiders (check out the Stewart Copeland-esque drum track on the intro to “Modern Swinger” at that link) are pretty good too. They’re described as “Striking figures in pink and jet black” and are “distant and aloof, itchy and sex-fueled.” Ok, distant, aloof, sex-fueled… Muy Rock and Roll descriptors for sure, but “itchy”? Who the hell’s itchy? Or are they throwing that out there so they’ll get pelted with Desitin at their shows?

Sunday, January 7
Seussical, 2:00 p.m., Byham Theater, Cultural District, Dahntahn
horton_hears_a_whoThe weekend’s “Family” event, I’m posting it because I always loved Seuss. I always got this sort of subversive vibe from his books, even when I was a kid. it’s the same reason I preferred Bugs Bunny over, say Mickey Mouse. Also, a lot of you might have the “Cat in The Hat” hat from your rave days, and it’d probably be ok to wear it to the show, as long as you a.) remove it once the performance starts and b.) take the E out of the stash pocket before you leave the house.

Or maybe not, who knows? Might make the show more enjoyable. The thing is, you might not be able to get gallons and gallons water until intermission, so keep that in mind. Plus, the rest of the row might not want you touching them, telling them how much you love them. Surprisingly, at the Byham, this turns people off to you, and they think you’re odd. You will get to touch Security on the way out, though.

Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

(Things to do while… Okay, look, go out, but take it easy on Friday and Saturday, ’cause you need to rest up for Sunday. Pace yourself, is what I’m saying. And take a cab, fer Pete’s sake. And Everybody Else’s sake, for that matter…

One more thing… Get Drunk With Dignity.)

Friday, December 29
Exposure: Pittsburgh, 7:00 p.m., Club Havana, Shadyside
exposure The final show of the year put on by the Pittsburgh chapter of Photography sharing/Social Networking site flickr features the work of Hans Rosemond, fashion/portrait photographer, whose work usually does more than just capture the beauty of the model, it finds something that might not have been there in the first place. Rosemond has a way of working with his models that brings out more emotion than one would normally find in pictures of beautiful people. He will find ways to make you look at the person beyond their looks, beyond what may or may not be there. His use of backgrounds matched to their features (eyes, for instance) or their clothing contribute to a color palette that few photographers use, let alone exploit as he does.

But ok, enough about him, this is also about having a good time. These are art openings, basically, that are held in a bar – in this case, Club Havana on Ellsworth. People drink, they laugh, they dance to techno and trance, and sometimes pop (“Pop? What the deuce?!?” say the hipster purists…), and a good time is always had. It’s always fun to see creatives cut loose, and this would be the place to come to see that. As always, because of it’s location, you can make this a part of a mini bar crawl of your own, and the Shadyside Saloon, Elbow Room, and Harris Grill are all readily-available and handy to get to.

The Big Throwback, 10:00 p.m., Brillobox, West Bloomfield
BTB9newThe monthly funk/soul dance party with resident DJ’s J. Malls & Omar-Abdul. This is the final for the year, obviously, and they’re bringing in a special guest for the night, B-Boy & DJ, Forrest Getemgump who plies his trade with Harlem with Harlem as his home base. Or home bass. Whichever.

JBExpect this to be a good one for various reasons, not the least of which is the expected set of James Brown music, which I’m sure will be a fitting tribute to one of the best entertainers of the 20th century.. RIP James. It’ll never be as funky again. Do yourselves a favor and experience the tent-revival feel of this video, where he tears the absolute shit out of “Prisoner Of Love” and “Please Please Please” when he was at his zenith. You’ll be a better person for it, I promise. If it doesn’t give you the chills, well, there ain’t no hope for your soul. Believe that.

Saturday, December 30
Get Hip PRE New Year’s Eve Bash, 9:00 p.m., Rex Theater, Sahsside
Pittsburgh Indie label Get Hip Records (I dig) throws a huge show at the Rex, with bands, DJs, giveaways, and all for 7 bucks. A bargain at twice the price. Go out and support your local music scene. And get blasted. Both of those things.

bands making the music include The Cynics, doing an unplugged set, Mondo Topless, Rainy Day Saints, and Creatures of the Golden Dawn. You’ll also get spintasticness via Dj’s Gregg Kostelich, Sean Grogan and John Doran w/special guest Mark Jerson. Go and be blown away by the Majesty. Or so I’m told.

Sunday, December 31
Noon Year’s Eve, 11:00 a.m. (I’ll explain in a second), PPG Aquarium at the Pittsburgh Zoo
So ok, it’s called Noon Year’s Eve, and it starts at 11, but that’s ’cause it’s a countdown to noon, see? Ahhhh, I get it now. Right. You know, for kids!
They’ll have DJ’s, the kids can make noise makers (with which to make noise with) and party hats (with which to hat party with) and enjoy live performances by the Disney Dancers. They even have a special ball drop, which I’m pretty sure is like the Times Square thing, not like that time your mom finally took you to the doctor in fifth grade and he prescribed “jumping up and down on one leg for a few minutes a day and that thing’ll descend sure enough.”

First Night Pittsburgh, 6:00 p.m., Cultural District, Dahntahn
Family Friendly! So I prolly won’t be there! But still!
Anyway, the Cultural District fills up with “an eclectic showcase of live music, dance and entertainment”. This is also the debut of what they’re hoping will be a new Pittsburgh Traditionâ„¢, the raising of a lighted ball.

Hold me, I’m a-twitter.

Ok, fine, I understand. And I’m all for getting new things started, I’m just saying, I would’ve liked to have seen something a bit more original, like, I dunno, at midnight, we don’t make a left in front of oncoming traffic right when the light turns green, or perhaps something along the lines of we don’t slow the F*#@ down going into a tunnel. Or how about the school buses actually obey the traffic laws the rest of us have to, like staying out of the left lane when they’re not passing anyone on Washington Boulevard past the pseudodrome

But hey, there’s one tradition I’ll always stand behind and that’s overly-extravagant fireworks, and whaddya know! They’ve got ’em at First Night. It’s a great event, a fantastic alternative to getting blitzed. At some point, yeah, we stop doing that, usually when we can start claiming “dependents” on our taxes. So if that’s you, by all means, check out First Night Pittsburgh. Buying a button gets you into everything, I’m pretty sure, and you can pick them up at The Box Office at Theater Square or at participating Gi’nt Iggle locations.


Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

(Things to do while packing the moving van for Kansas City…)

Friday, December 22
(First off, Happy Birthday to Mom of Git Aht, who turns sixty-three celebrates the 33rd anniversary of her 30th birthday today. And I’m sorry for almost everything, especially that time when I was pulled over in Malibu and I said that Mothers are responsible for all the wars in the world. I mean, I might’ve been drunk at the time, okay?)

Bled Zeppelin, 9:00 p.m., RPMs, Bridgeville
I know someone who was thinking of naming their dog “Zoso” because it was black, and “Black Dog” was on Led Zeppelin IV, which is also known in some circles as “The Zoso Album”. To which I say, why limit yourself to just that album, even though it has that particular song? Open the idea up to the entire body of work, say I. Which is why I think the dog should be named “Physical Graffiti”, although I understand that could present a problem when you’re trying to call it back into the house after a midnight pee break or yelling at it for chewing your good shoes. Whatever.

Bled Zeppelin, Pittsburgh’s premier Led Zeppelin tribute band, (ok, so… I dunno how many of those there are, really, but ok, that’s how they bill themselves, I’ll go with it) are playing down at RPMs in Bridgeville. And if that wasn’t enough, the opening band is a Who tribute band called Substitute, who look really tall but, y’know, their heels are high.

Saturday, December 23
Festivus, 8:00 p.m., Quiet Storm Coffee House, ‘Sliberty
festivus_patron_saintYeah, they’re doing it and yeah, it’s the whole magilla: the airing of grievances, feats of strength, and the Festivus Pole. Also appearing, the Leonard Cohen Ensemble, Paul Labrise and the Trees, The Wakes, and Heather Meloy.

Don’t, uh, y’know… bring up Kramer or anything.

Sunday, December 24
bobby_bacala It’s Christmas Eve. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, find an Italian.

Then ask said Italian if you can go with them to wherever they’re going for Christmas Eve, because you’ll eat seven kinds of fish, and they’ll all be wonderful. Trust me.


Image credit: G. Cioffi

I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has read this weekly posting of where to get drunk, or where to see cheap movies, or where to eat and drink free at art gallery openings, or what bands to see, or love letters to Sienna Miller, or whatever. I appreciate any and all feedback, and I occasionally get it – the bruises are just starting to fade, actually.

I love finding things to do here that might be slightly offbeat, that are hopefully interesting, that are sometimes the kind of things that might not occur anywhere else… It’s why I love Pittsburgh.

I also want to thank Lindsay and Natalia for giving me the sandbox to play in. I deeply appreciate it, and I greatly admire the two of you and the work you do. Keep it up.

Best holiday wishes to you all.


Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to