Brewing Up an Evening of Beer for A Good Cause

Beer is foodImage by mirkoshanghai via FlickrThe second annual Brewing Up a Cure is this Saturday nigth, October 18, 2008 at Mr. Smalls Funhouse in Millvale.  This excellent event, I attend last years event – it was excellent, is hosted by TRUB.  TRUB stands for Three Rivers Underground Brewers  – one of Pittsburgh’s home brew clubs.

Brewing Up a Cure is great because it is a beer festival of home brewed beers – none of that fancy commercial stuff, well their might be a little of that but mostly home made beer.

Tickets are just $30 and you can find more info about the beers and the events at  Brewing up a cure is raising money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  I bet you will see the best beer podcasters in town their too. I know that Father Spoon and Sick Puppy, from Should I drink that are big fans of this event.

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2 responses to “Brewing Up an Evening of Beer for A Good Cause”

  1. sean Avatar

    Neat, I'm in!

  2. sickpuppy Avatar

    This is indeed a great cause. My heart goes out to Shane and his daughter. Only wish SIDT could be there, bad timing with us at Podcamp this weekend!