Watch the Steeler Game in the Shadow of a Steel Mill

Brew Gentleman Braddock Steeler Game

Brew Gentleman Braddock Steeler GameI often try to think of the MOST Pittsburgh place one can watch the Steeler game, that doesn’t involved going to the game.  Well I don’t think it gets more Pittsburgh than this – now you can watch the game next to a steel mill.

The Brew Gentleman is a new brewery that opened this year in Braddock, just down the road from the Edgar Thomson Steelworks, which is a steel mill that is still that opened in 1872 and is still in operation today.

The brewery was founded by two wonderful fellows who I had the good fortune of meeting at this foodie, networking event a few years back.

Matt and Asa came to Pittsburgh to attend Carnegie Mellon and have stayed in town to open a brewery.  I just opened their latest email blast and The Brew Gentleman will be showing the Steeler game this Sunday, September 28, 2014 – the game is at 1pm and they will open at noon.

The Brew Gentleman’s brewery is a beautiful space with a spacious tasting room.  Head down for the Steeler game or stop by for a beer during their regular hours – Wednesday-Saturday 4-10pm.

Food will be available from Caroline’s Chili – which is a new food vendor in town and new to twitter (be sure to follow @CarolinesChili).