Blogski is blog speak for the Polish Hill Civic Association

Photo shows view of Immaculate Heart of Mary C...Image via WikipediaThis week must be all about Polish Hill (see my post on the Polish Hill signs and read about my run in with the police here).  I would like to think I do a pretty good job of keeping track of Pittsburgh blogs but I just found this one today.

Blogski is the website and blog for this Polish Hill Civic Assocaition and it is one of the best Neighborhood blogs I have seen.  Blogski has information about events, businesses and articles of interest to Polish Hill.   This is a great resource for all things Polish Hill and all things polish in Pittsburgh (you can even read the Blogski in polish).

They even sell pierogie ornaments!!!! I am ordering one, well maybe a dozen, it just seems like pierogie’s should be talked about by the dozen!  (Why have I not seen these before!!)


3 responses to “Blogski is blog speak for the Polish Hill Civic Association”

  1. rick byerly Avatar

    glad you're spreading the word about david watts' handiwork. he is a great asset to the pgh art scene ( both his art and involvement with the associated artists of pittsburgh)

    rick byerly

  2. Maya Avatar

    They also sell these at Pittsburgh Center for the Arts.

  3. Staffski Avatar

    I love David's pins and ornaments. They have been a hit here in Polish Hill.