Even Ben Roethlisberger has a Blog

Yes, every ones favorite Steeler has his own blog – Ben Roethlisberger’s Blog. Ben shows us some pictures of his dog and some others from his camera phone while he is on the road with the team. From his blog you get the sense that Ben is just a nice guy who happens to be a great football player. It is just nice to see one of these players who also seems to love Pittsburgh and Pittsburghers as much as he loves playing football. Big Ben


4 responses to “Even Ben Roethlisberger has a Blog”

  1. Michelle Mullen Avatar
    Michelle Mullen

    Dear Ben,
    Not only are you an amazing football player, but my gut feeling is that you are an extremely nice person, despite what the pig Mark Madden says about you (he probably bad mouths your reputation because you did not invite him to a party at your house…) Anyway, I have a beautiful and very special daughter who lives in San Diego and I think you two would make a cute couple. She is not only very pretty but also smart and loves to travel (She is in Rio de Janerio right exploring the country. Last week she traveled to Peru and climbed Machu Pichu…see what I mean by traveling?). If the real Ben Rothlesberger is reading this and is interested, I will send you a picture of her. I am only writing this because I have this funny feeling you would like each other. What a great game today Ben. Pittsburgh is so lucky to have you!

  2. Jessica Avatar

    Ben, I doubt you will ever read this.. it's probably just some random person that started this website.. but just in case, I wanted to say congrats on the game today. I'm 20yrs old, from Houston and a huge Steelers fan (probably not a big suprise that I'm not a Texans fanatic) and I'm extremely excited that y'all are going to the sb this year. I have so much respect for you, your teammates, and coaches. Anyways I need to finish watching the game to find out if you guys are going to kick Seattle's or Carolina's ass in the superbowl!!! Just wanted to let you know what an awesome quarterback you are!!!

  3. Stephanie Detweiler Avatar
    Stephanie Detweiler


    I just want to say thank you on behalf of my family and all the great Steelers fans out there, for making this a wonderful year for us. You have brought so much to the team, and we are finally about to get Bettis his ring. Good luck on Sunday. We all will be watching.

    Stephanie Detweiler
    Las Vegas, NV

  4. Amanda Graffice Avatar
    Amanda Graffice

    I agree with the above that this message will probably never be read by the "REAL BIG BEN", but what the hell, obviously someone reads this. I love Ben, he is a great quarterback. Unfortunately today I have been trying to find out what is going on with the accident that his has been in. Also a fellow Ohioan I live not far away from Findlay in Port Clinton Ohio….I have gone as far to name my son Benjamin, we call him "Lil Big Ben" has his own jersey and everything.