Banff is Back- April 8, 9 & 10

I have a thing for sportsy, outdoorsy films – it is a pretty interesting way to get a little bit of the outdoors mixed in with a the story of interesting athletes.  One of the neatest bars I have been to – Mai Tai Bar in Honolulu – gets major points – not for aestiques – it is actually on the roof of a mall in Honolulu – but bonus points for their entertainment – they have live isalnd music in the bar and show skiing and surfing films on the TVs.  (There is also a Mai Tai Bar in Daytona Beach – that I visited earlier this year with the hopes of shipping a drink and watching surf films – instead the evenings entertainment was the cover band Spandex Super Heros).

But back to Banff – the Banff film festival is THE outdoor film festival and each year they put together a collection of the best outdoor films.  Venture Outdoors brings the festival to town and this year – Banff is bigger than ever  with three days of films.

Friday, April 8 -7pm
Saturday, April 9 – 7pm
Sunday, April 10 – 2pm

Each day will have a different line up of films- check out the complete line up here.

Tickets are available here.

Check out the 2010/2011 trailer


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