Author: Justine

  • The Mysteries of ‘Mysteries’

    For those of you following the filming of The Mysteries of Pittsburgh (for better or for worse), yesterday’s Post-Gazette has a new interview with director Rawson Marshall Thurber, who expounds on his love for Chabon’s 1988 novel as well as his admiration for the city itself:

    “I was blown away by how beautiful [Pittsburgh] is. I didn’t realize it’s as hilly as it is, as green as it is, and in the film, I’ve been hoping or trying to go for this Edward Hopper vibe, both from a compositional standpoint and a color palette standpoint, and Pittsburgh just lends itself to that,” with its brick buildings and many bridges.

    For more of Thurber’s thoughts on Pittsburgh, Sienna scandals, and movie-making in general, you can read the entire interview here. The P-G reports that filming will wrap this Friday, October 20.

  • Mixing it up in Regent Square at Le Mix on Braddock Ave

    Mixing it up in Regent Square at Le Mix on Braddock Ave

    Le Mix Antique Store in Reqent Square

    Update October 3, 2108: Le Mix is still mixing it up in Regent Square and you can follow Le Mix on Facebook here.

    Sunday was one of those gorgeous autumn-in-the-city days that just begged for a meandering walk. Being relatively new to Regent Square, I took my time going up Braddock, making mental notes about shops that were closed on Sundays and checking out the ones that were open.

    One place that stood out, in particular, was Le Mix (1115 1/2 S. Braddock Ave.), a fantastic and quirky little shop jammed full of gifts and antiques at just about every price range. It’s a great store for an hour or so of browsing, and I ended up walking out with two very random but already beloved items: a hand-blown glass ashtray and a map of the world circa 1626. Highly recommended for collectors, antique buffs, or anyone who likes picking up random curiosities.

    For those of you who aren’t familiar with Braddock Avenue in Regent Square, it’s a really nice little area with locally-owned businesses that are off the beaten path, including a movie theater that features a range of foreign, independent, and classic films. Frick Park is also nearby, as well as a host of cafes and restaurants. Definitely, a neighborhood to consider when planning an afternoon or evening out. The main business district is accessible from Downtown, Oakland, and Braddock via the 61B, as well as the Parkway East via the Edgewood/Swissvale exit.

  • Googling The Bus

    Yet another reason to get on the bus in Pittsburgh: today’s Post-Gazette reports that Burghers can now search for Port Authority bus routes and schedules via Google Transit, a new service being offered in only six cities.

    Port Authority has offered a trip planner on their website for some time, but Google’s service combines scheduling with a map of your route, and in the future could include information such as money saved versus driving and parking, as well as total cost of fare for your trip.

    The service is in its beginning stages, and Google is asking for feedback from users to help improve results. Play around with it and let them know what you’d like to see.