Allegheny County Volunteer Firefighters – 100th Annual Convention, Parade & Fireworks

Sorry for the last minute posting on this – but I think it is interesting and worth sharing some information about the Allegheny County Volunteer Firefighters – especially because I haven’t been able to find much information about this organization on the web.  Even if you missed the parade and fireworks on Saturday – here are a few facts to check out.

I have always lived in the city of Pittsburgh – where the firefighters are full time employees, it wasn’t until I was in college that I realized that much of this country (and Allegheny County) are served by volunteer fire departments.  I think the Ithaca, NY fire department would offer free housing to students who served as volunteer firefighters.

I learned about this convention from my dad, whose uncle was the captain of Hose Company No. 5 in the Bottoms (aka McKees Rocks).  Check out this photo of Hose Company 5’s firehouse –  My dad remembers going to the Firefighters conventions with his uncle and seeing all of the trucks on display.

The details: Allegheny County Volunteer Firefighters – 100th Annual Convention

Was held in Oakmont from June 8-14, 2014

Parade – Saturday, June 14, 2014 5pm – units will start lining up around 2pm (starting at 4:30 p.m., Allegheny River Boulevard from Hulton Road to Pennsylvania Avenue will be open to local traffic only)

Fireworks – Saturday, June 14, 2104

More details on the parade and where to park for the parade are available here.

Battle of the Barrel

One of the traditions of the convention is for departments to compete in water battle to move a keg along a wire with their fire hoses.

Photo Credit: West Homestead V.F.D. 2012 Battle of the Barrel
Photo Credit: West Homestead V.F.D. 2012 Battle of the Barrel

More photos from the 2014 Battle of the Barrel competition are available on the Rosedale Volunteer Fire Department’s blog here.

Links to PA Fireman’s Associations

Allegheny County Volunteer Fireman’s Association Facebook Page

List of Fire Departments in Allegheny County

Western PA Fireman’s Association