Image via WikipediaThe Baltimore Examiner has an article that lists 7 reasons to hate Steelers fans but I kind of think this is nice list of things to love about Pittsburgh. Lets take a look at what each of these “complaints” reveal about Pittsburgh. Which one of these do you like most about Pittsburgh.
7. “Is that mustard in your ‘stache?”
Pittsburghers store Primanti Brothers‘ french fries in their flavor savers for the winters along the confluence. Nothing reminds me that I have a friend in Pennsylvania like spotting a 300-pound guy eating a sausage while stuffed in a Mazda truck with a Steelers’ license plate driving down I-95. Yes, nobody is watching — go ahead and use your face as a napkin.
7. Primanti Brothers – I think there are many people out there who would say this is a reason to love the PGH.
6. “The family trip to Ocean City”
Fellow Marylanders, you know you’re in for a treat when you get stuck behind an ’87 Chrysler minivan with Pennsylvania tags that read “DOWNY OCEAN.” Nothing says fun in the sun like cruising 4 mph down the Coastal Highway behind this minivan, while its occupants decide which Dumser’s meets their culinary standards. Hey, you guys have three rivers –pick one and make it a weekend.
6. We may vacation in Maryland but we choose to live in Pittsburgh the other 51 weeks out of the year.
5. “Let me barrow a dowlar for a pop”
When your regional diction makes you sound like Burgess Meredith with a nose filled with gauze, you should probably phase out speaking in public. Here’s a rule: One out of every seven words you say has to be discernible to the rest of the country.
5. Pittsburghese – we have our own vocabulary and we are proud of it n’at.
4. “Hey, get off my towel”
I like these “Terrible Towels.” Its bright yellow, screams “I am woman –hear me roar!” But the look on Steelers fans’ faces when you rip it out of their hands and stomp on it like LenDale White is a gift that keeps giving. They also are quite useful at a tailgate since they burn really, really well.
4. The Terrible Towel – we have sports paraphernalia that is useful
3. “The Mountain Steelers fan”
Is there anything worse than the guy with the one eye that gave up around the second Ronald Reagan administration rocking this ensemble: Stone-washed, black Wranglers with a “Terrible Towel” hanging from the back pocket like Cooter from “The Dukes of Hazzard,” a ‘coon skin hat and a skin-tight Major Harris jersey?
3. I think it is nice that the terrible towel is considered an acceptable accessory for everyone to wear.
2. “Take off the Slayer arena tour T-shirt and step away from the Bradshaw bobblehead”
We here in Baltimore are guilty of living in our past, but Pittsburghers take being stuck in a time warp to a new level. But I’m really happy the NFL gift-wrapped Super Bowl XL for you because everyone was so tired of hearing about your 19-freaking-70s teams. If it weren’t for Paul Tagliabue, most of you still would be in your basement putting the finishing touches on your Lynn Swann paint-by the number masterpiece.
2. Pittsburghers have a deep level of respect for history and heritage (especially sports heritage).
1. “Hey, Bob, grab me another Iron City.”
While I’m on the subject of things Pittsburghers like, I have to talk about Iron City beer. The brew’s bottling process begins by dipping a bucket directly into the Allegheny River. From there, it’s taken to a plant where your city’s finest run-off is sifted until the best sewage is ready for distribution.
1. Iron City Beer – Is just a great thing to love about Pittsburgh. It is beer and history all in one. And the first brewery to print sports scenes on the cans. Does Baltimore have its own beer?
5 responses to “7 Reasons to Love Pittsburgh and Steelers Fans”
Hey Lindsay, I am a transplant from down south and I have to say that even when I lived down there, I loved the Steelers. I think what we love the most is the hardworking guy attitude that our team and Fans have. We aren't high society, with model girlfriends but we aren't paid goons and thugs either. We are true 60 minute men that lay it all out there for everyone to see. We don't need to trash talk and put out stupid lists about other cities and we certainly don't disrespect other cities teams by tramping on their fan's pride. I am proud to be a Pittsburgh Steeler Fan! We love our city and our Team!
I actually was in Baltimore the night before the Inauguration. The city was still bathed in purple shame for the playoffs; I guess they were still too sad to take down the lights and banners. But to answer your question, yes, Baltimore does indeed have its own beer, and they have a lot of nerve calling Iron City sewage. National Bohemian is terrible. They call it Natty there, but I would rather have, well, a Natty (Ice). The mascot for it is a one-eyed version of the Pringles dude, and its neon visage winks from atop the brewery. The mascot for Iron City, is of course, the Iron City. Case closed.
Thanks for the info on the Baltimore Beer – here is a link to the National Bohemian wikipedia entry – that is one sad looking logo.
Natty Boh is about the same as I.C. Light. The best use of the logo I've seen recently was a jewelry ad of the Natty Boh guy getting engaged to the Utz Chips girl,…
Why folks are so proud of Iron City and ignore the awesomeness of Penn Brewery and the Church Brew Works is beyond me.
I think it's more interesting to look at why the Steelers are unique and awesome. It's a family owned business. The family really is concerned with the city itself, and donates pretty liberally to good causes. They're allied pretty darn strongly to Obama at the moment. The old man famously said "we came here to watch football" when asked why the Steelers don't have cheerleaders, and they still don't. The Terrible Towel sales benefit a children's charity. And, perhaps most interestingly of all, the players stay out of court and out of jail, which is a pretty good standard for pro football.
Dunno. Go Steelers!
@Dean J – that picture is great! I am fascinated by the unique aspects of Steelers Culture – it is way more than just being football teams. Check out the article from the Tampa paper about Steelers and Pittsburgh…