5th Annual Braddock Chili Cook Off

Here is a tasty event for a good cause (we love good events for good causes).  But first a little background – if you are a regular IheartPGH reader then you probably know a little about Braddock and how there has been some cool stuff happening in what is often seen as an abandoned steel mill town.  If you are a newer reader – first of all hello and thanks for reading.  You may have seen some stuff about Braddock on tv and through the Levi’s “We are all workers” campaign” – which was photographed in Braddock and ran in ads around the country last year.  You can read more about the Levi’s campaign in the Post-Gazette and New York Times.

The Carnegie Library in Braddock was founded in 1889 and expanded in 1893.  This building was not just for books and includes a music hall, gymnasium and swimming pool. This was the FIRST Carnegie Library in the United States.

Carnegie Free Library of Braddock in Braddock,...
Image via Wikipedia

The Braddock Carnegie Arts Program is a more recent addition to the Library – the old bathhouse area has been transformed into a ceramics studio that is used for classes and open studio.  Classes are offered for free or for a nominal fee and the studio has been supported by many volunteer hours as well.

Check out this great post from the blog Western PA Potters for photos and more detailed info about the studio.

Which brings us to the Chili Cook Off – for the fifth year – there will be a Chili Cook Off in Braddock to benefit the arts program.

Braddock Carnegie Arts Program
5th Annual Chili Cook Off
Saturday April 9, 2011 1-4pm
Braddock Elks Lodge, 424 Library St. Pittsburgh PA 15104 (which is directly across the street from the library)
$10 for Adults, $5 for Kids 12 and under

Looking for more info on Braddock? Check out www.15104.cc – the website has been updates and has a lot of information about the history or Braddock and things that are happening there now.

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5 responses to “5th Annual Braddock Chili Cook Off”

  1. @StorytellerCody Avatar

    This sucks. I hate hearing about events way later than you should have. A chili cook-off sounds great, but it's in two days. There's no info about entering, and who can be prepared in two days anyway? Reminds me of getting Mad Mex emails two hours before they have a special event.

    1. @iheartpgh Avatar

      sorry about that – I didn't post about entering b/c it was so close to the entry date – but I think they might have a few slots left – are you interested in entering your chili? I think there is another chili event next weekend too. What other types of events would you like to see and how much advance notice would you like? Just trying to figure out the best way to get the info out. 🙂

      1. @StorytellerCody Avatar

        Don't get the wrong idea. I'm not calling you guys out. Just saying it sucks in general finding out about events too late to plan for them. I appreciate you guys even posting this story. I would've tried to concoct a chili to enter, that sounds like a blast.

        1. @iheartpgh Avatar

          thanks. Southside Works has a chili festival next weekend – but I can't figure out how your enter – @imadeitmarket might know http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2046698195