Sept 15 – Event & Raffle to Support Cyclist Who Was Attacked Last Week

I don’t know if you saw this story in the news last week or not – last Wednesday a cyclist was violently attacked by a driver on the South Side.  Please take a moment to read the story in the Post-Gazette here – they have released a description of the driver who has still not been identified.

The cyclist, Colin Albirght, has been in the hospital but he will be okay.  I have seen some photos of his injuries, I don’t think it is appropriate to share those with out talking with him first – but shocking is not strong enough of a word to describe the photos.

Some friends of the cyclist are organizing a raffle and event to raise some money to help with expenses and recovery.  This is where Pittsburgh is awesome – already numerous businesses and organizations have donated raffle prizes.

This is an opportunity to not only support Colin but to support the cycling community in Pittsburgh.  Bikes are a good thing for Pittsburgh – less people in cars is a good thing for Pittsburgh.  And the cycling community here has come together to do really good things for others in Pittsburgh – if you aren’t familiar with groups like Bike Pittsburgh, Free Ride, Flock of Cycles – please visit their websites and learn more about them.  I also just learned about the Positive Spin program from the MGR Foundation that is working to provide city youth with cycling mentors.

How you can help

Fundraiser for Pgh Cyclist Who Was Attacked Last Week

Storified by I heart PGH · Mon, Sep 10 2012 15:14:53

Colin Albirght Fundraiser
Saturday, September 15, 2012
OTB Bicycle Cafe, 2518 East Carson Street

More Details on the event from BikePittsburgh
The Bike Pittsburgh Blog Archives " Sat Sept 15: Fundraiser for South Side attack victim Colin Albright at OTBLocal cyclists are throwing a fundrasier for Colin Albright, the Pro Bikes mechanic who was brutally attacked in a road rage incident in …
Here is the link to OTB’s website if you need directions
OTB Bicycle CaféDeprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /var/ www/otbbicyclecafe/data/www/…

Win A New Bike!

just one of the many awesome prizes donated for this event – scroll down for more
Here is a picture of the KHS flight 100. City Bikes

More Awesome Raffle Prizes from…

Pittsburgh businesses are AMAZING at donating their time, money and product to support others. Even if you can’t attend the event – keep these folks in mind and shop locally!  If you would like to donate something to raffle send an email to and we will forward it over to them.
Commonwealth Press
Commonwealth Press: Screen Printing and Media Designcustom screen printing in pittsburgh, pa we are a small group of hardworking, fiercely independent, ink soaked, music addicted, code sp…
fundraiser for colin at OTB this sat: – read up/help out. @otbbicyclecafe @bikepghcommonwealthpress
East End Brewing
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Fat Heads’s Saloon
Fat Head's | Saloon, Brewery, Brewpub | Pittsburgh, PA and …Welcome to Fat Head's. Fat Head's consists of Fat Head's Saloon, located in Pittsburgh, PA, as well as Fat Heads's Brew…
OTB Bicycle Cafe
OTB Bicycle CaféDeprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /var/ www/otbbicyclecafe/data/www/…
Thick BikesCustom frame builder of freestyle, BMX and mountain bikes located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
In The Blood Tattoo
In The Blood TattooWelcome to In The Blood Tattoo… … We are proud to provide clean and classic tattoos in a professional environment. In The Blood was e…
Just picked a gift certificate from In The Blood Tattoo for a tattoo up to $200 for the fundraiser. City Bikes
Free Ride Pittsburgh
Free Ride PittsburghFree Ride is a bicycle recycling and education facility focused on teaching the do -it-yourself approach to bicycle repair and maintenan…
Here is some swag from Free Ride! City Bikes
Iron City Bikes
Iron City BikesEmail: Follow us on. Recent Updates. Select Category, News, Racing, Uncategorized. © Iron City Bikes. Powered by…
Big Dog Coffee
Big Dog Coffee :: South Side Pittsburgh Coffee ShopToday, that bakery is now home to Big Dog Coffee. It's the first time this incredible structure has gone beyond the original bloodl…
Piper’s Pub
Piper's Pub – Food , Drink and Football ( Soccer ) from Scotland …Pipers Pub is a Pittsburgh PA pub. We have a full menu for brunch,lunch and dinner. Pipers Pub also has extensive beer & Scotch lists.
Smokin’ Joes
Best Beer Selection | Smokin' Joe's SaloonSmokin' Joe's Located In The Historic South Side Of Pittsburgh.
Cafee Davio
Caffe DavioWebsite for Caffe Davio, East Carson Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Carson Street Deli
Upscale, Casual Dinning – Pittsburgh, PA – Carson Street Deli …It is our goal to provide each of our customers the best upscale, casual, fast dining experience possible. We use only the freshest and…
REI Pittsburgh
Store – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – Sporting Goods, Camping … – REIREI Pittsburgh is a premier outdoor gear and sporting goods store serving outdoor enthusiasts in Pittsburgh.

Pittsburgh Cycling Organizations

Bike Pittsburgh
Bike Pittsburgh, Bicycle Advocacy, Safety and Community in …Fun Event! Friday, September 7: National Bike Challenge Wrap Party. Pittsburgh region finishes as largest Metro Area in the top 40. Pho…
BikePGH (BikePGH) on TwitterInstantly connect to what’s most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
Free Ride
Free Ride PittsburghFree Ride is a bicycle recycling and education facility focused on teaching the do -it-yourself approach to bicycle repair and maintenan…
Free Ride Pittsburgh PA – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – Community Organization | FacebookFree Ride Pittsburgh PA – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – Community Organization | Facebook
Flock of Cycles
Flock of Cycles | Riding safe and fun.This morning, at a Pittsburgh Cultural Trust press conference, the board for first night announced that Flock of Cycles will be part of a…
Flock of Cycles (Flockofcycles) on TwitterInstantly connect to what’s most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
MGR Foundation – Positive Spin
The MGR FoundationPositive Spin is an exciting health, wellness, and mentoring program offered by the MGR Foundation for Pittsburgh’s high school youth. Th…
MGR Foundation (MGRFoundation) on TwitterInstantly connect to what’s most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.

Press coverage about the attack

South Side bicyclist stabbed in road rage incidentColin Albright was bicycling home Wednesday night when, he told police, he may have inadvertently cut off a motorist as he headed from th…
Cyclist’s Throat Slashed in Pittsburgh Attack " Urban VeloFrom WPXI: A man was rushed to the hospital after police said his throat was slashed during an attack in Pittsburgh’s South Side. Accordi…
Police release description of bicyclist’s attackerPittsburgh police provided a description of the man who repeatedly stabbed a cyclist Wednesday night on the South Side in an act that may…


4 responses to “Sept 15 – Event & Raffle to Support Cyclist Who Was Attacked Last Week”

  1. […] this link: Support Cyclists & You Could Win A New Bike! | I heart PGH This entry was posted in Blog Search and tagged albright, bike, cyclist, headed, home, […]

  2. Onelove Twopedals Avatar
    Onelove Twopedals

    Jimmy Johns of Liberty Avenue has donated a $50 gift card to be raffled off also. Thats a lot of Jimmy Johns! Nom, nomz!!!

    1. IheartPGH Avatar

      awesome!  So many great pgh businesses have stepped up to support this event.  super cool to see the community come together. 

  3. […] articlesBiking in Manhattan: What You Need to KnowSigns: Aids for Confusing Bike LawsSept 15 – Event & Raffle to Support Cyclist Who Was Attacked Last WeekA weekend in the Forest of DeanJoke 520the “What Up […]