Ice Is Nice – 21st Annual Ligonier Ice Fest

Ice sculpture on display during Winterlude in ...
Image via Wikipedia

The laurel highlands is not just pretty in the fall.  If skiing and snowboarding aren’t your thing – maybe ice sculptures is up your alley.  Head to downtown Ligonier this weekend for the 21st Annual Ice Fest on Saturday and Sunday.

DiMartino Ice Co. of Jeannette will have 6 carvers on hand and there will be more than 40 sculptures on display throughout the weekend.

The fire department is hosting a spaghetti dinner and local businesses will have indoor sidewalk sales.

Read more about the weekends activities here.

21st Annual Ligonier Ice Festival
Ligonier, PA – Around the Diamond, East and West Main streets, North and South Market streets.
Saturday and Sunday. January 21-22, 2012
Information: (724) 238-4200.