Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

(Things to do while trying to come up with a good slogan for your neighborhood …)

(Work and personal stuff is taking a lot of my time, but I wanted to at least post these things even if I don’t have a chance to really do a write up… So I may get a chance to expand this later, or I may not.)

Friday, May 4
Unblurred , Art n’at… 6:00 p.m., Penn Avenue
Luchador Karaoke Bowling , Sadly, my lucha mask was lost at the cleaners, so I’m suing for $65 million… 9:00 p.m., Arsenal lanes, Lawrenceville

Saturday, ¡Drinko De Mayo!
Asian heritage Day, Yes… What better day to celebrate Asian heritage than Cinco De Mayo? 10:00 a.m., Heinz History Center, The Strip
The Hi-Speeds Cinco de Mayo Party , Bonus: They’re giving Spanglish lessons… 10:00 p.m., Gooski’s, Polish Hill
Boca Chica, Not advertised as giving Spanglish lessons, but hey, you never know… 10:00 p.m., Garfield Artworks, Garfield
Because Knowing Where To Go (and drink) Is Half The Battle
(Further Suggested Reading)
knowing_halfPittsburgh City Paper
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Craigs List
This Is Happening�����–

Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock* of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

(* Note: “Flock� being, y’know.. very loosely-defined…)


One response to “Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend”

  1. Minuet Avatar

    Redeye Theatre Project is also having it's festival on Saturday at 8pm at the studio theatre in Cathederal of Learning. 8 original one act plays written and rehearsed in 24 hours! $5 suggested donation.