Are you a Bird Nerd?

Bird - Blue Jay
Bird – Blue Jay (Photo credit: blmiers2)

I would not really describe myself as a birder – but I have a few friends who are – and I have to say the bird watching stuff sort of rubs off on your. My sister and her good friend were visiting in Florida and have gone out of their way to look for certain birds.  I have joined in on a few of these trips – I was more excited about seeing a dolphin than the pelicans.  Last year when we were visiting some family in Florida, we went to the store (aka took a break from the family) – on our way to Target my sister shrieked and I almost ran the car off the road – turn out the elusive crane she had been hunting for just chilling in the Target parking lot.

And if you really, REALLY, really like birds and you find yourself in Venice, FL – you should stop and see the Venice bird rookery.

Anyhow, if you are a bird nerd or tend to hang around with bird nerds – then you might be interested in some of these events for the Great Backyard Bird Count.

Just want to check out some birds from your computer screen?

The Audubon Society of Western PA has a Live Bird Feeder Camera here.


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